Blessings from Arab Street – a room fragrance by Singapore Memories
Blessings from Arab Street is room fragrance that is inspired by the fusion of three cultures that gave their name and aromas to an area that has become a creative hub in the city, Arab Street.

Arab Street is not just one road, but refers to an area that includes Bussorah Street, Muscat Street, and the Lanes of Haji and Bali. Singapore’s Muslim quarter is part of the Kampong Glam heritage trail and placed at its heart is the 200year old Masjid Sultan Mosque.
The area attracts street entertainers, artists and tourists and the area’s restored shop-houses have been turned into quirky boutiques, craft shops, restaurants, and tea shops. The dazzling colors and textures of fabrics, textiles, and hand-knotted carpets add to the atmosphere of Arab Street.
A short history of Arab Street
Prior to 1889, the Chinese merchants in Singapore used to refer to the street as Jiau a Koi, meaning Javanese Street. However, the Tamil Indians called it Pukadai Sadkhu Street, meaning the street of flower shops.
Kampong Glam was the oldest urban quarter of the city and was established around 1822 by Sir Stamford Ruffles who allocated the area to the Malay, Arab and Bugis communities. The origin of the area’s name is from the Malay for kampong, which means a compound, and gelam from the name of the wood used for the boat making, medicines and even for seasoning food. The area of Arab Street was possibly later owned by the Arab merchant, Syed bin Mohamed Al Junied. The area was affected by a huge fire in 1889.
An aromatic history of three cultures
The aromas of the past are combined with elements from today to create a room fragrance that bears the Blessings from Arab Street.
Jasmine, Champaka Flowers, Amber, Myrrh, Frankincense, and Sandalwood are the classical fragrances of the east. The depth of oud is added to enhance the aromas of the cultures of the original residents of Arab Street.
The therapeutic elements of amber were well recorded and appreciated by the Ancient Greeks. North Africans and the people of the Arabian Peninsula used myrrh and frankincense as a treatment for many ailments, including arthritis. Sandalwood oil has long been known to be an anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic. Most of the cultures of the east and west used it for its medicinal qualities but also appreciated its skin-soothing properties.
Modern medicines have shaken the beliefs that older people had on the abilities of these therapeutic oils, but at Singapore Memories they still firmly believe in their powers. Their aromas have soothing effects that are therapeutic to the body, mind, and soul from the effects of a stressful day at the office.
Blessings from Arab Street is the room fragrance by Singapore Memories that relieves the stress of a busy day by changing the atmosphere in a room to that of a relaxing day spent among the sights, sounds, and smells of Kampong Glam and Arab Street. Blessings from Arab Street is the ideal souvenir or corporate gift from Singapore.