Vanda 1981 (Femme) – Singapore Memories Pushes the Boundaries
Singapore is a nation steeped in heritage with an identity born out a multicultural diversity. As a vibrant nation that advances forward in giant leaps, the reshaping of a nation never loses sight of its history and cultural identity.
This is how Vanda 1981 was created, a re-invention of the classic connection that creates a perfect chorus of the heritage and history, together they make a sensational fragrance. This soft, haunting and feminine fragrance is a must-have souvenir for visitors to Singapore, whether they intend to use it themselves or offer it as a private or corporate gift.
Singapore Memories especially wanted to use the fragrant notes of the Vanda orchid to create a perfume that is mischievous yet gentle. This is the fragrance for women who are both smart and curious with the ability to explore and conquer the world.
Named after the most famous and beautiful orchid genus in the world, Vanda 1981 represents the vibrancy (because of its colors), hardiness, and resilience of the Vanda orchid – the same qualities reflected in the Singapore Spirit. The plants have showy, intensely colored flowers that are fragrant and last up to three weeks.
Vanda orchids are native to India, Indonesia, Southern China, South-East Asia, and Northern Australia. When in their natural habitat, the plants grow on trees and their thick fleshy roots are exposed to the air and this is where the water from a downpour is stored. The flowers of some of the 50 species in the Vanda genus are spectacular and the colors vary, including a blue.
These stunning orchids thrive in warmer tropical temperatures and higher humidity. Unfortunately, because of the destruction of their natural habitat in many areas, Vanda orchids are now endangered and the export of wild Vanda is prohibited worldwide. Vanda plants bloom every few months and when grown in pots or gardens their tender stems need to be supported.
The Vanda Miss Joaquim is the National Flower of Singapore, which had the difficult choice of selecting one flower from among 30 orchids and 10 other flowers. Named after the lady who successfully crossed the Vanda hookeriana and the Vanda teres, Agnes Joaquim’s name was given to the new hybrid created in the late 19th century. At the time it was grown in every garden in Singapore as was noted by the director of the Singapore Botanic Gardens at the time, H.N. Ridley.
The Vanda Miss Joaquim was the first registered plant hybrid from Singapore and is the first hybrid to ever become the national flower of a country.
The Vanda genus has many famous members and among them are the Vanda Shah Rukh Khan and the Vanda William Catherine.
Every visitor to Singapore wants to take a memory fragrance back home after a unforgettable holiday or business trip and Singapore Memories has created the perfect choice - Vanda 1981 (Femme). This commemoration of the national flower of a resilient nation is more than just a souvenir but makes the perfect corporate gift.
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About Singapore Memories -
Our research on Therapeutic Orchids of Asia -
Our research on Scented Native Orchids of Singapore -