
​Disclaimer and terms of use of this website

This is a personal website and blog. This website and linked websites are provided for general information only. The information shared on this website and linked websites are not intended to and should not be taken as medical advice, counselling, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. You should not delay or alter any necessary medical consultation or treatment based on any information you read on this website or linked websites.

Medical information changes constantly and the medical information shared on this website or linked website make no representation as being current,  updated or exhaustive of all that is currently available on any topic.

No information provided in this website and linked websites are intended as a substitute for medical or professional care. You should always consult your physician or any other healthcare professional to assist in interpreting or applying to your own case any information shared in this website or linked website.

Some of the contributors to this website and linked websites are doctors, reading or watching anything on this website does not constitute the creation of a physician-patient relationship between you or any other individuals with any of the writers or speakers that are doctors.

This is a personal website and blog and any doctors, companies, services, specific tests, products, procedures or opinions shared here do not represent endorsement or recommendation.